Friday, September 27, 2013

Great School Year So Far

I must say that this year has gone off without a hitch.  Michael started second grade, and he is doing very well.  The day before school started our school had "Sneak a Peek" night.  This is a night where the kids can meet the teachers and see where their classroom is going to be so they are not as nervous on the first day of school.  Michael was excited to see his classroom.  His teacher has a pet lizard, probably the only class pet in the entire school.  I must say that she is a COOL teacher!

All of the other children were coming to visit and Michael sees a boy that was in his class last year.  I guess that this boy last year told a "lie" to him, or the teacher so Michael comes right out and says, "Johnny is a liar!"  He goes over to this kids mom and explains to her that her son is a liar.  I guess it must be difficult for some autistic people to monitor what they say.  It came out as bold as brass.  I nonchalantly went over to Michael and said, "Hey, let's go to your sister's room!  Let's go see Mikayla's second grade teacher."  I, of course did not want to confront the mother, who was looking in a state of shock.  I wanted to escape with Michael in tow and distract him from saying anything further about his little lying friend.  I just don't think Michael can sensor what he says at all.
Mikayla and Michael on their first day of school.  

Michael is honest.  I believe that most autistic people are the most honest people that you would ever meet.  He is definitely not a fence sitter like his dear old mom.  He does not lie, and when others tell a lie, it is pretty much as bad as being an ax murderer.  The other day he was reading on a program called RAZ kids.  (A really cool program for kids to read online), and he was on a fairly long time.  He finally says to me, "I must confess mom that I took the quiz for that book 8 times." 
"Eight TIMES!" I exclaim, "Why did you take it eight times?  Did you read the story first?"

"No, mom I just kept taking the quiz so I could earn the points."  So even if he "cheats", he won't lie about it, he comes right out and tells you point blank what he did.

Michael has had pretty good behavior.  We've only had 1 incident in 4 whole weeks of school!  He told me he had to visit the "Hokey Pokey Room"  (where you turn yourself around) because he was playing Ga Ga and got really mad at the kids.  The kids were trying to get him "out" on purpose.  He said they were making fun of him, and he was almost going to punch the boy, but ended up slapping him instead.  He was trying to control himself, he could of beat up the kid, but only did a medium-ish slap instead. 

He hasn't freaked out over any fire drill, and he hasn't had any other major issues.  I'm so happy that we are starting out with a great year!