Saturday, February 23, 2013

Must Be Matching

Michael is in this phase, or maybe he has always been in it.  It is called, "Everything must match!"  Michael refuses to wear any pajamas that are not matching.  He'd rather wear his summer pjs in the dead of winter if they were the only ones in his drawer that match.  I recently bought him some new socks.  Luckily he doesn't have the typical "I don't like the feel of socks" tactile/sensory problem that most autistic kids do.  So I buy these socks and he HAS to match them perfectly.  Not only with his outfit, but with his underwear as well.  We went through 10 pairs of new socks in 5 days.  Why?  Because he was not only matching the socks to his daily outfit, but to his night time pajamas too.  He matched the red "Angry Bird" socks to his red angry bird pajamas.  He matched the camouflage socks to his camo pajamas. 

It is really cute, but a little OCD. 


  1. Hi, Bridget! Congrats on restarting your blog! I look forward to reading you! And Angry Bird pjs demand Angry Bird socks. It's only right! ;-)

  2. I have to admit, I love his "matching" thing. At least you don't have to worry about him showing up in public like Mikayla sometimes does LOL...
